About 1,655 files or exactly 1655.646315789473684210526315785
1.5 gb = 1,500 mb<---wrong right --->1536
The most appropriate way to deal with the situation presented above is to acquire more space at the current office site at additional rent beforehand.
The Scaling of a revenue-generating business is a crucial task in which a lot of pre-planning and thinking is required.
In order to scale the business in the next year, the planning of it is to be carried out at the moment and proper necessary arrangements are ensured. These steps could be one from:
- Looking for bigger spaces for renting for a full shift of the operations
- Looking for a site office for an additional office
- Acquiring more space in the current office site.
This process would result in acquiring a bigger place beforehand but in order to mitigate the risk, try to keep the place in view by providing them a bare minimum advance for the additional units.
Answer: C
Time shifting is when you move from one period in time to another.
Abstraction comes from two latin words; abs which means away and trahere which mean to draw. From the meaning itself, it is to draw away something from specific objects, individuals, group, etc. In the computer world, a programmer hides all relevant data pertaining to the relevance of a data. It is done to increase efficiency and and reduce complexity.