11. join
12 well to do
13 Unlike
14 employment ( i think this one is right but not sure due to how it sounds)
15 don't know this one / not sure
16 Obedient
17 Supportive
18. Join
19 Security
20. night shift
I believe that making online purchases through smart speakers isn't a good idea. It would become very easy to steal credit card information if you are just yelling it into your devices. You also have the scenario were a kid or friend could jokingly order something.
Punctuation is best described at the end of the sentence.
he feels nervous going to war
The old house had to perish , But realized I ensure my parent I would not. Compelling I had to I love to start fire's but before I could do that the bank can and told me your parent said they anticipate that you would do this so when you turned 18 the house belong to the bank.