What Consumers have in common is that, they are all living things that live off of hunting and eating to gain energy and survive (without eating/hunting they die).
examples : Cows , Pigs , Horses
Your answer is:
is a pesticide that influenced society by increasing crop yield, but it also caused human and animal sickness.
I hope this helped you!
Because stains are made of different types of molecules, a range of enzymes are needed to break them down. Proteases break down proteins, so are good for blood, egg, gravy, and other protein stains. Amylases break down starches, and lipases break down fats and grease. Washing powders usually only contain one type of enzyme, though some have two or all three.
According to the American Pregnancy Asociation, pregnant woman shall eat 75 to 100 grams of protein per day.
Hope it helps!