The effects around the globe
The effects around Europe
The effects around Italy
A broad topic is going to cover the most things or places. In this instance, looking at the effects of rising sea levels in the globe is going to be much more generalized than a look at just Italy.
You could draw a meme where you would be sitting down taking a test and and then have a light bulb on top of your head. the words for the mean could say when the answers kick in and you become the smart kid in the class
the the two to three sentences of why it represents you could be that you love taking notes and studying them and that when you start struggling on on a test you searched trying to recall the notes that you took and you remember with the answers were.
The main reason why you would use the revising strategy called Use Snapshots is because snapshots are some of the easiest way to catch and contain lots of material, especially on a computer desktop.
I think it is a prediction of what is going to happen in the next chapter.