Rikki-tikki-tavi is similar to Nag and Nagaina in many ways. All three animals occupy the same territory around the bungalow and are dedicated to their families. Nag and Nagiana are concerned about the well-being of their eggs, while Rikki protects his adopted human family throughout the story
It's a metaphor.
To help you understand why, here's the definitions of both:
Simile: it's a <span>figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, it's used to make writing seem more vivid.
Metaphor: this is also a</span><span> figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
A:sites conation all words in that order
Hey there friend!
So, when this question says "Analyze the foot". Let's stop there, the key point in this little question would be the word "foot".
When finding the "foot" or the point or even the root of something, which in this case the word "Blatant", we would want to find the deep roots in this, the (true) and straight forward meaning of this following word.
The foot of this word would be: (Bad Behavior).
The proper definition of this word would be unashamed, or even in today's world, being a "savage" would also be a synonym of this word.
I Hope this helps you Daniel!