"King Arthur's Socks: A Comedy in One Act" is actually a comedy play and based on this, how the author makes use of a climactic structure as it is seen in the setting of part two of this comedy is that "a<span> singular setting is developed in great detail through the plot." The answer is option B.</span>
Grant uses Vivian to escape the troubles of his life, and he continually suggests that they run away from their hometown and their past in the South.
What is the sentence if I may ask ?
The suitors must string Odysseus's hunting now that he knew how to string. After that, they have to shoot an arrow through twelve axe handles. If they completed this, they would win her hand in marriage.
Arnold is a born librarian, he loves books.
When connecting two independent clauses (clauses with a subject and verb that can stand alone), you need to use a conjunction or a semicolon like in the third sentence. This one has the comma, but neither of those, <u><em>so</em></u> it is incorrect. (see what I did there? I used a conjunction to connect my two independent clauses! B) )
Hope this helps! Happy learning, friend!