The main way that the Holocaust helps us find similarities that go beyond race, culture and nationality, is that now this horrible even in history is almost universally condemned in Europe, meaning almost everyone does not like war.
It's when people are able to choose their own Leader and representatives in the government to Fulfill their aspiration
We won't find it in Communist or the monarchy systems where we basically just have to accept what kind of Leadership we get
The British wouldn't kowtow
Great Britain wanted to open trade with China as it was the main mission of exploration. They had hoped to gain access to the goods China provided. As with all of China's trade partners, they expected a sign of respect shown to the emperor before trade could begin. The British traveling group were asked to bow in front of the emperor to seal the deal. The envoy refused as they could only bow to their own king, which got them thrown out for the time being.
I believe throught economic distribution reforms, and social services. The National Health Service is a great example of this. It was and is a service that brings healthcare to all the citizens of the UK whether poor or rich. By taking on these moderate socialist instutions into the government, the Uk lowered the drive for young worker to push for extreme marxism.