The use of the term "National Republican" dates from 1830. Henry Clay served as the party's nominee in the 1832 election, but he was defeated by Jackson. The party supported Clay's American System of nationally financed internal improvements and a protective tariff.
The Answer Is A
A farmer uses observations of the stars to determine when to plant crops.
Having to pay high duties on foreign sugar and molasses.
During the colonial era, especially from the mid-1700s, Britain began to carry out increasingly protectionist policies regarding its production, framed in the mercantilist concept of economic production. Mercantilism, in short, established that the wealth of a country is mediated in terms of its production of resources and its territorial extension, which allowed nations to accumulate wealth.
In this context, the British government began to prohibit its colonies from trading with other European nations (as this would benefit their economies), establishing commercial monopolies in the colonies, which implied a huge loss of rights on the part of the colonists, harming their economic and political freedoms.