n improbable idea. A mongrel nation built of ever-changing disparate parts, it is held together by a notion, the notion t
In the poem, the speaker seems tosense quite a bit of loss of culture.The speaker’s father seems to have aconnection to his heritage, but nooutward signs of it. This suggeststhat parts of that culture may be lost.
Without TitleIt’s hard to know without the buffalo,the shaman, the arrow,but my father went out each day to huntas though he had them.He worked in the stockyards.All his life he brought us meat.No one marked his first kill,no one sang his buffalo song.Without a vision he had migrated to the cityand went to work in the packing house
"Hara? Hara? This isn't funny! Turn on the lights! Hara!". "Hara won't be with you anymore," says a mysterious looming voice. Victoria shivers, and screams. "Hara! Stop it." "I told you, there is no more Hara. It's just you and I, forever." Victoria runs, frantically reaching for a light switch in the seemingly endless room. Suddenly, seeing a silhouette of her friend she screams "Hara? Is that you?". The silhouette turns around, to reveal a disorted face of Hara. "There is no more Hara." Says the silhouette, in a frightening voice.
According to the paper, is the prepositional phrase. According is a preposition.