First religious writings: The Old Testament..? Not 100% sure on this one
First five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy.
The laws given to Moses on Mt. Sinai: the Ten Commandments.
It was reinaugurated in 324 from ancient Byzantium as the new capital of the Roman Empire by Emperor Constantine the Great. :)
A stable country has healthy people in something like this. The following was yet another clarification.
- For a community should become positively effective, psychological, and physical wellbeing is important. It suggests that the workforce during work is enthusiastic and therefore more efficient than a lazy population that drags itself through work nearly every day.
- A healthier society is helped by strong facilities such as community space, play areas, auditoriums, restaurants, clinics, and rehabilitation centers. Optimum overtime conditions offer more leisure time for workers to invest and seek productive goals for their families. In both things, the government as well as its actions play a key role.
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are an enumeration of seven spiritual gifts originating from patristic authors, later elaborated by five intellectual virtues and four other groups of ethical characteristics. They are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
There are numerous differences between a dictatorship and a democracy. One difference is that in a dictatorship the leader has absolute authority while in a democracy the power of government is left up to the people. Another difference is that in a dictatorship leaders are very oppressive towards their citizens. If the citizens are unhappy with government and stand up against it then they are met with force. In a democracy, if the people are unhappy with their leaders they will replace the leader with a new one. A final example is that democratic government systems place checks on leaders to limit their power. In a dictatorship, there are no checks against the government. The dictator has unlimited power.