It sounds fine but is there information about it being an inside job
The triangle trade, also called Western or Atlantic slave trafficking, was a slave trade conducted between Europe, Africa and the Americas between the XVIe and XIX centuries. Its aim was to provide black slaves to colonies of the New World (America), to supply Europe with products from these settlements and to sell in Africa,European and American products. This was, for the European ships, to bring to the Atlantic coasts of Africa different goods of European origin, objects of little value, guns, weapons... highly appreciated by Africans. Goods were exchanged for black African prisoners, who were then forced to go to Americas. Here men, women, children... were sold as slaves to work in the cotton or sugar cane fields.The ships then returned to Europe with American coffee, sugar, cotton, rum which were resold. This trade lasted from the XVIe century until the early XIXe century. They say it was triangular because, on a map, it was represented by arrows connecting Europe, Africa and America which draw a triangle.
You start out with who you are you say your name and age. then you put why your emailing the person and explain what you situation or story then you end it by thanking then and hoping they will respond
These are the lines that are found toward the end of the poem. Beowulf is already dead - he has defeated the dragon, but has also died in the process. Before his death, he instructed his men to build a tower in his honor, so this part of the poem talks about that. It talks about how the Geats made this monument for their late king, and how they grieved his death by telling his greatest accomplishments, like defeating Grendel and his mother. Then they hid the dragon's treasures in the tower, as per Beowulf's instructions, so that no one could ever find them.