It is estimated that over 5<u>0%</u> of all crashes in the U.S are caused by driver distractions.
Further explanation:
In U.S, it has been found that approximately 58% crashes take place among the teenagers. There are various reasons behind distracted driving like eating, adjusting music, handling children, texting while driving, using GPS and talking to other person.
Distracted driving can be referred as any action which takes away the driver’s focus and which results into accidents or in any other tragedy. Texting while driving is one of the major reasons of distracted driving. There are other reasons like eating and talking to people also distracts the driver.
Distracted driving is very dangerous because there are cases in which people have lost their lives. This behavior is mostly seen in teenagers so the percentage of crashes is higher in teenagers as comparison to other age group.
Learn more:
1. Define the concept risk behavior and explain why it is important.
2. Advice South African youth on two preventative measures that can help in combating risky behaviors and provide two practical examples for each.
Answer details:
Grade: High School
Subject: Social Studies
Topic: Distracted Driving
Keywords: distractions, driving, dangerous, behavior, teenagers, accidents, crashes, texting