The Church was the single most dominant institution in medieval life, its influence pervading almost every aspect of people's lives. Its religious observances gave shape to the calendar; its sacramental rituals marked important moments in an individual's life (including baptism, confirmation, marriage, the eucharist, penance, holy orders and the last rites); and its teachings underpinned mainstream beliefs about ethics, the meaning of life and the afterlife.
ImmigrantsThe Creek Indians meet with James Oglethorpe. By the time Oglethorpe and his Georgia colonists arrived in 1733, relations between the Creeks and the English were already well established and centered mainly on trade.Oglethorpe with Creek Indians to colonial Georgia came from a vast array of regions around the Atlantic basin—including the British Isles, northern Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, the Caribbean, and a host of American colonies. They arrived in very different social and economic circumstances, bringing preconceptions and cultural practices from their homelands. Each wave of migrants changed the character of the colony—its size, composition, and economy—and brought new opportunities and new challenges to the people already there. A majority of the immigrant white population traveled to Georgia because of the availability and cheapness of land, which was bought, bartered, or bullied from surrounding Indians: more than 1 million acres in the 1730s, almost 3.5 million acres in 1763, and a further cession of more than 2 million acres in 1773.From EuropeDuring the Trusteeship (1732-52), the overwhelming majority of Georgia immigrants—more than 3,000 in number—arrived from Europe. Around two-thirds of these pioneers were funded by the Trustees, This sketch of the early Ebenezer settlement was drawn in 1736 by Philip Georg Friedrich von Reck. That same year the Salzburger settlement moved to a location closer to the Savannah River, where conditions were better for farming.Early Ebenezerwho offered them a passage across the Atlantic, provisions for one year, tools, and a tract of land in return for their labor.After 1752, under the headright system, every settler was entitled to 100 acres of land, plus 50 additional acres for each member of the settler's household, including slaves and indentured servants. (In 1777 the initial allotment per settler changed to 200 acres.) All settlers—men and women—could receive up to 1,000 acres of land through a headright grant. The headright grant was a primary mechanism for distributing land throughout royal rule and early statehood.
this is part 1
Hope this helps
Due to dominique' s obsessive-compulsive disorder, she may wash her hands every 10 minutes throughout the day
There have been some researches regarding the syndrome based on community samples. Therefore OC usually is regarded as a disorder, but it is not yet proved to be one. Because there is only a little information that is known about it, therefore this is the reason why it is advisable to wash your hands regularly to avoid contamination with the virus.
This disorder has little connection with bipolar according to scientist and it is likely to raises the possibility of its occurrence.
In what subject you need help
Answer: Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa, also known simply as Anorexia, is an eating disorder characterized by abnormal weight loss and an immense fear of gaining weight. People who suffer from this disorder carry out a series of behaviors to avoid gaining weight, such as: not eating, exercising excessively and taking medications that contribute to faster weight loss. Vomiting is also another form used.
People with Anorexia Nervosa have a distorted image of their body. They look in a mirror and are overweight, which leads them to carry out all kinds of activities to lose weight. A person with this disorder may have depressive behaviors that improve when they see that they are losing the desired weight. This disorder has a high rate in women and the treatment involves a combination of psychological therapy and possible medical hospitalization to help the person gain weight.