New Jersey - Argentina. The physical characteristics between the people from New Jersey and Argentina tend to be roughly the same since (ancestrally speaking) the population originated from European settlers. The only big difference is that Argentinian population tends to be on the skinnier side than New Jersey residents. Culturally speaking is where they set themselves apart since New Jersey is very culturally diverse with people that come from all over the world and share their culture here. Argentina has very little diversity and the culture is the same Country Wide.
40 years.
Genetic counselling will help the couples identify possible health issues, behind their inability to conceive.
A person at age 40 is a good candidate for genetic counselling.
When faced with a number of tight deadlines, Mandy Moore often delegates work collectively. Recently she chose some fairly experienced employees to work on a high-priority project. She was heartened to see that the selected group of employees was having numerous meetings and working hard. However, when she went to check on their progress at the halfway mark in the project schedule, she was shocked to see how little the team had done in the past three weeks. This scenario reflects social loafing.
Social loafing is the attitude of individuals, putting little or no effort t when they are part of a group. Because all members of the group are contributing to achieve a common goal, each member of the group contributes less than they would if they were individually responsible. This case was what Mandy Moore saw when she put up a team of fairly experienced employees. They might be thinking another member of the team has got their back.