It means diver down.
This flag is one of many International Marine Signal Flags. It indicates that a diver is in the water and it is used to ensure the diver's safety.
While he/ she is submerged, this flag helps other boats understand that the diver is under the vessel or buoy and they know to keep their distance as to avoid hurting or hitting the diver once he/she comes to the top again.
Increase; decrease
The overjustification effect is a phenomenon in which being rewarded for doing something actually diminishes intrinsic motivation to perform that action. It occurs when an external incentive decreases a person's intrinsic motivation to perform a behavior or participate in an activity. People see external reinforcement as a coercive force hence having a reduced intrinsic motivation.
Premack principle
The premack principle states that am individual will engage in less probable behaviour so that he can engage in more probable behavior. In essence the more probable behaviour or activity reinforces the less probable behaviour or activity. Parents use this very often to make their children engage in more positive and beneficial activities by making them do those beneficial activities first before doing their(the child) preferred activities. This is shown in the above example where a mother tells her child not to play until she finishes her homework. The child would therefore do her homework so that she can play.
The correct answer is Consumer behavior (CB)
Consumer Behavior as the area that studies how people, groups and organizations select, buy, use and discard products, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires.
Understanding consumer behavior is understanding how people research and consume products and services. It is to understand what are the factors that weigh when choosing a brand. Finding opportunities to increase your sales. It is all of this and more.
Today, we will gather everything you need to understand about consumer behavior and the main ways for you to know the factors that influence your customer's purchase decision.
The main religious difference between the Separatists and the Puritans was that Puritans wanted to separate from the Church of England and form their own church. While the Puritans did not want to break away from the Church of England, they just wanted to make a few modifications in it. The Puritans wanted to reform the existing religion because they believed that The English Reformation had a lot of Catholic influence. Besides, both fled England to escape from persecution under the King's rule so the Puritans settled in Massachusetts and the Separatists settled in Plymouth Rock.