Alexander knew that if he just forced the Hellenic culture on the nations and people he conquered, there would be mass resentment, and uprisings. He blended cultures to prevent that, and really, it worked.
In pre-modern Sub-Saharan Africa, the basic unit of society was the clan or lineage-group. African societies were also largely structured into villages until the first chiefdoms and kingdoms began to appear.
Throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, the basic unit of society was the clan group, which would typically live together as a cluster of households and thus small hamlets or villages would form on the bases of lineages and allied lineages. Large towns would be an amalgamation of these clans, and they would often be distributed as smaller villages of clans grouped together. Each village would be principled around the power of what anthropologists call a “big man.” They were the person whom the clan believed was the most directly descended from their founding ancestors. He would be joined by his extended family as well as more distant relatives, and often unrelated families who had been separated from their own clans and who looked to the big man for guidance and protection. In North Africa and the Saharan Desert, the organization of society was different and largely resembled cultures in the Middle East that were nomadic in large part.
Back in 1615 when it was widely accepted that the earth was the center of the galaxy, Galileo discovered that we revolved around the sun in year long cycles along with other planetary objects. He was put in house arrest for 9 years because of this because it was considered a heresy. He also invented the telescope and was the first to observe the largest of Jupiter's moons.
B. Greece's coastline bordered on the four seas.
Yes, it is true that Japan seized Pacific islands to boost its economy and trade, since Japan lacked many natural resources of its own, due to the fact that it is a small island.