- numberRed = numberBlue = FALSE
- numberBlue > numberGreen = FALSE
- numberGreen < numberRed = FALSE
- numberBlue = wordBlue = ILLEGAL
- numberGreen = "Green" = FALSE
- wordRed = "Red" = FALSE
- wordBlue = "Blue" = FALSE
- numberRed <= numberGreen = TRUE
- numberBlue >= 200 = TRUE
- numberGreen >= numberRed + numberBlue = TRUE
- numberRed > numberBlue AND numberBlue < numberGreen = FALSE
- numberRed = 100 OR numberRed > numberBlue = TRUE
- numberGreen < 10 OR numberBlue > 10 = FALSE
- numberBlue = 30 AND numberGreen = 300 OR numberRed = 200 = FALSE
The variable options is a list containing 5 string values
options = ["ski", "surf", "jog", "bike", "hike"]
Indexing in python starts from 0 ; hence the index values of the list values are :
0 - ski
1 - surf
2 - jog
3 - bike
4 - hike
The statement ;
print(options[2]) means print the string at index 2 in the list named options
The string at index 2 is jog ;
Hence, the string jog is printed.
being able to find out the weather.
being able to wear fancy suits.
The publisher tab in the application control allows you to manage the various certificates that are used to sign to binaries. Publisher allow executables of a particular vendor, signed by a security certificate issued
to the vendor by a Certificate Authority. Also, all applications and binary files either added
to or modified on an endpoint that are signed by the certificate are automatically added to
the whitelist.