the payment of the insurance premiums
Consideration in contract law refers to an exchange of something of value, e.g. I pay $5 in exchange for a hamburger.
In insurance contracts, consideration provided by the insured refers to paying the insurance premium. Consideration provided by the insurance company is the promise to pay in case of a covered loss.
Thee answer is: A) Time taken to fill a position should be tracked for each recruiting source and the fastest possible source should be utilized.
When adopting an expansionist strategy the company is trying to achieve a higher sales growth rate than before. Since it took several new big contracts it will probably have to hire several (or very many) new employees and they need to do it fast. Usually when this happens, the company will try to hire the best possible applicants from the fastest recruiting source.
NPV = -$78,318
cash flow 0 = -$310,000 - $190,000 = -$500,000
cash flow 1 = $125,000
cash flow 2 = $125,000
cash flow 3 = $125,000 - $58,000 = $67,000
cash flow 4 = $125,000 + $83,000 + $190,000 = $398,000
NPV = -$500,000 + $125,000/1.2 + $125,000/1.2² + $67,000/1.2³ + $398,000/1.2⁴ = -$78,318
Yes the answer is ymb=x your welcome
D) Establish the mission, vision, and values statements
A mission statement is a short written description of what is the purpose of your company, or why does it exist. The mission statement usually includes the company's capabilities, what unsatisfied needs will the company satisfy, and activities will be carried out to satisfy their customers' needs.
The mission statement is the cause (before) and the vision statement is the effect (after). The vision statement should describe the long term goals that your company should accomplish. It serves as a guide to where you want to be in the future.
The value statements should describe how Jordan values his own business (including employees), his customers (including the community) and his suppliers. The values statements serve as a guide on how Jordan and his employees should behave within the business.