A. Thalamus
There are two large ovoid organs called the thalamus, which form most of the lateral walls of the third ventricle of the brain. A variety of receptors transmit signals from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex. Thalamus is anatomically situated adjacent to the midline third ventricle in the brain.
Some statements of the question are missing but it can be understand as the Hydrogen bonds are Easy to break, Less amount of heat required, Less amount of enzyme needed and Can be broken by mild concentration of enzyme.
Weak bonds like hydrogen bonds are found to beneficial in some situations. During the duplication of chromosomes which occurs in S phase of cell cycle the DNA replicated. This replication is facilitated by separation of the two strands of DNA and formation of complimentary strand on the two primary strands. The enzymes involved in the process of separation of strands are DNA helicase and Topoisomerase mainly. As the bonds between the strands are weak hydrogen bonds, the enzymes function effectively without requiring extra heat or more saturation. It will found to be difficult if those bonds will be covalent bonds because they are much stronger than hydrogen bonds and are not easily broken by these enzymes. Extra processes will be required to break those strong bonds.
Yes, for a couple of reasons.
1. Carbon connects easily with other carbons.
2. Carbon forms chemical that can change and connect with other carbons even in biology or especially in Biology. If you take a brown seen and plant it where it can get water and soil nutrients, to will come up as a green plant. Think about the chemistry that goes into that. Not only that, but there are mechanisms that tell the upper part of the plant that the roots can't supply any more growth. Isn't that something? All made from Carbon.
3. The human body is a mass of Carbon based chemicals and all cells there can have different functions. Amazing isn't it? I'm a fan of the diversity of our planet and its growth.