-you could be helping them do something bad to themselves without knowing it.
-They could be going through a rough time and because you couldn’t relate, you would make it worse for them.
-people need space sometimes and if you don’t give that to them, they won’t feel good about themselves.
-everyone has feelings and not everyone wants people in their personal business
Are is the answer because sit means more than 1
One afternoon, an old man ordered in a nearby restaurant for breakfast.
He went inside, find a seat and sit comfortably.
Then one smiling waiter approached him and asked: "What's your order for this morning, sir?" The old man replied, "Can I have one rubbery egg and two slices of burnt toast, please?"
The waiter with his two brown eyes glow with awe, answered, "One rubbery egg and two slices of burnt toast? (with an emphasis on the word "rubbery and burnt") Was that correct sir?" "Yes, you just said it right", the man replied.
"Why on earth would you want such a dish?" asked the waiter.
"My wife was out of town and I missed her cooking." replied the old man.
"Oh! I see". the waiter answered with a smirk and walk back scratching his head.
The barber. barbers can do their own barber work, so i'm guessing he/she would do it themself