misspelling a programming language word
Syntax error is the type of error in programming, when the programmer insert some symbol that is not present in directories or libraries, the programmer not followed the rules of that particular programming language that is understandable to compiler.
For example in C++, it is necessary to insert the semicolon (;) after each statement. If the programmer not insert the semicolon after each statement, the program will show the syntax error.
If the programmer use integer instead of int to assign datatype to the variable in C++, it will also leads to the syntax error. Because in C++ library, Integer is defined with the help of "int".
The AUTO FORMATTING ONLY is an auto fill option that fills the destination area using the format of the source area; no content is filled. This is opposite from auto without formatting on which it fills the destination area without formatting.
Candidates resume shows his way of presenting and organizing.
- Resume formatting is an important part of a candidate's ability to work. In any professional environment, it's necessary to have a properly formatted resume.
- The resume formatting should be up to date with the latest information and data. The formatting involves the borders, headings, grammar, and spelling or typo errors, etc.
- But these mistakes can be easily avoided such as proofreading and removing unnecessary details and sloppy fronts.
The method doubleVal() is created to accept a single parameter of type double.
It multiplies what ever the value of the parameter is and returns the resulting value.
In this question The method is called within this output statement System.out.println(doubleVal(val)); (Note that val had already been declared and assigned the value of 6.5)
The value 6.5 is doubled and outputed to the screen
The following code is written in Java and it uses nested for loops to create the array elements and then the same for loops in order to print out the elements in a pyramid-like format as shown in the question. The output of the code can be seen in the attached image below.
class Brainly {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int jagged[][] = new int[5][];
int element = 1;
for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
jagged[i] = new int[i+1]; // creating number of columns based on current value
for(int x = 0; x < jagged[i].length; x++) {
jagged[i][x] = element;
element += 1;
System.out.println("Jagged Array elements are: ");
for ( int[] x : jagged) {
for (int y : x) {
System.out.print(y + " ");
System.out.println(' ');