The answer is "in the form of design, color and graphic".
The wireframe is also recognized as 'skeleton', it is a static, low-fidelity description of various layouts, which provides shapes to the component. It is indeed a visualization of even an interface using only basic shapes.
It is a 2D illustration of a site user interface, which primarily focuses on capacity planning and priority of information, features available, and role expectations like, storyboards which do usually not include design, color, or graphics.
1st gen: Vacuum Tubes(1940–1956)
2nd gen: Transistors(1956–1963)
3rd gen: Integrated Circuits: (1964–1971)
4th gen: Microprocessors (1971–PRESENT)
5th gen: Artificial Intelligence (present)
The operation that will occur first is D5*C6 (multiplication).
Excel’s default order of operator precedence mandates that Excel perform multiplication before addition and substraction. If you want the addition or substraction to be performed before multiplication or division, they must be in parentheses.
The order of operations in exel is:
1. Evaluate items in parentheses.
2. Evaluate ranges (:).
3. Evaluate intersections (spaces).
4. Evaluate unions (,).
5. Perform negation (-).
6. Convert percentages (%).
7. Perform exponentiation (^).
8. Perform multiplication (*) and division (/), which are of equal precedence.
9. Perform addition (+) and subtraction (-), which are of equal precedence.
10. Evaluate text operators (&).
11. Perform comparisons (=, <>, <=, >=).