The answer is "physical design"
This design is the method of translating the specification of circuits into a physical design that explains how cells and roads connect. It is an architecture, that involves the system's internal processes of input and output.
- This system is created by establishing the design criteria, which determines basically what the applicant system is doing.
- It includes the architecture, process architecture and software design of user interfaces.
By definition, <u>multiprocessing</u> refers to the processing of multiple processes at the same time by multiple CPUs.
By definition, <u>multiprogramming</u> keeps programs in main memory at the same time and execute them concurrently utilizing a single CPU doing a context switch.
The first difference is that multiprocessing uses multiple CPUs and multiprogramming to utilize context switch to do concurrency in one CPU. Another difference is that multiprocessing is more expensive but more efficient than multiprogramming due that it allows parallel processing.
The correct answer for the given question is "Metropolitan Area Network"
The metropolitan area network connect the user with a geographic area of the size of metropolitan area.Metropolitan area network connect LAN i.e " local area network " to a single larger network thats provide efficient connection to the WAN network.Their are many advantage to use metropolitan area network which are mention above .
- Provides the better security then other network.
- Cheaper lost when we connect MAN with WAN.
- If we use MAN network then data will be fastly transferred.
It takes a lot of time and effort to write the code for the same. It is very complex and difficult to understand. The syntax is difficult to remember. It has a lack of portability of program between different computer architectures.
Hope that helps