The West-flowing rivers connected it economically and culturally to Western Europe.
Governor of Giorgia has many formal responsibilities stated by the Constitution, among those powers we can mention:
1- The command of military forces in Giorgia, since he is the commarnder-in chief.
2- In case of any vacancy in the Georgia House of Representatives and Georgia senate, he/she is the person allowed to fill it.
3- Governor is in charge of assuring the execution of laws and of maintaining the peace and order among citizens.
Summary and Definition of Nativism in America
Summary and Definition: Nativism in America refers to the preference for established US residents, as opposed to foreigners or "others" considered to be outsiders and the opposition to immigration. The belief in Nativism was a prejudicial attitude towards immigrants based on their national origin, their ethnic background, their race or religion. The doctrine of Nativism in America resulted in a widespread attitude that rejected alien persons, or culture, and led to xenophobia and new, stringent laws being passed to restrict immigration.
They hurt the social philosophy
Federalist Party
The Constitution was proposed by Alexander Hamilton, one of the most famous Federalists in America. Hamilton and his party were very adamant about the constitution being ratified in all U.S. states, even without The Bill of Rights, something Thomas Jefferson and the Federalists were highly against. The Federalist party and it's members were the main writers of the Constitution and heavily pushed for it's speedy ratification in the new country.