John's Bar 60 km away from Ben's Bar.
Doug's Bar is 40 km away from Kieran's Bar
John's Bar is 10 km nearer to Doug's Bar than Kieran's Bar
If I am to assume that these bar are in a liner position,
Ben's Bar Kieran's Bar John's Bar Doug's Bar
************* 60km*******************
*****************40 km ********************
*********30 km**************
Doug's Bar is 90 km away from Ben's Bar.
Ben to John = 60 km
John to Doug = 30 km
Ben to Doug = 60 + 30 = 90 km.
The answer is B! It passes the vertical line test
I’m not sure if your answer is right but here’s how to solve it
I'm not sure about this but will give it a try:
Let f(n) = 2xⁿ - 2
Then f(3) = 2x³ - 2
So, f(2) = 2x² - 2