A physical map could show you that
China was a key influence on East Asian cultures for many centuries as a center of learning, political thought, religion; it provided civilizational models to neighboring kingdoms. In ancient and medieval times, the old elites learned and wrote Chinese characters, used in the administration and for literature in Japan, Korea and Vietnam; Japanese and Korean written language evolved from Chinese caracters. Chinese Confucianism, the official state ideology since the Han dynasty that aims at keeping order, harmony and social hierarchy, was also adopted in courts in East Asia. Buddhism, a religion arrived in China in the 2nd century CE, spread from China to Korea and later to Japan. These are examples of the rich cultural influence China has exerted in Asia historically.
The Word doesnt have anything to do with violence. Mundane means lack of interest or excitement .
Randolph, leader of Black civil right movement canceled the March in Washington on 1941 because he was persuaded by his fellow leaders that it is not advisable to proceed. Then Pres. Roosevelt Issued the Executive Order 8802 and establishment of FEP. This actions of the president halted the supposed March in Washington.