The three enduring commitments of the antiquated Phoenicians were The Alphabets,Trade And Commerce and Religion.
The Phoenicians were among the best merchants of their time and owed quite a bit of their thriving to exchange. At first, they exchanged mostly with the Greeks, exchanging wood, slaves, glass and powdered Tyrian purple. Tyrian purple was a violet-purple color utilized by the Greek world class to shading garments.Later human advancement began utilizing alphabetic framework. Their are diverse hints of discourse any word can be composed utilizing an arrangement of 30 letters or less. The Phoenicians named in greek means purple men. The greek gave them the name since they made purple dye.The purple color was found in the Mediterranean
103 months.
Washington spent fifty-two to fifty-four of the roughly 103 months from April 1775 to December 1783, or almost half of the time, either with her husband in camp, or nearby, in the hope that they could spend more time together.
C.)materialism amd corporate greed because that is not an weakness.
Answer: slave labor formed the America colonial economy