Groundwater comes from rain and snow that seeps into the ground. ... Water is pumped, both from groundwater or surface water sources, into pipes or tanks. The pipes eventually lead to our homes, schools, businesses, and any place where you can turn on the tap and drink water. Most people in the U.S
I got this from the internet
mafic and felsic.________________________
Scientists have been able to determine that the melting of ice from Greenland ice sheet will reduce the rate of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) which is an important part of the global ocean current that determines the climate and controls Gulf stream. It as been inferred by researchers that this could affect climatic conditions in places like Europe and North America in the future.
The influx of fresh water from Greenland which is made up of runoff from ice, tundra and ice discharge will weaken the AMOC and this as both local and global effects on climate.