You work part time at a computer repair store. You are in the process of building a new computer system. The customer wants a mo
therboard with the following features: - 16x PCI Express slot for video card support.
- Onboard Firewire support.
- Support for 64-bit processors.
- Support for dual-core processors.
- Dual channel memory support.
- Support for up to 8 GB of memory.
Your task in this lab is to:
- Select and install the motherboard that meets the scenario requirements.
- Connect the following cables form the case:
- Power switch.
- Power LED.
- Case speaker.
- Front fan.
-Rear fan.
- Connect the following connectors from the power supply:
- Main motherboard power.
- CPU power.
- Install the front panel connector into an open external 3.5" drive slot. Connect the following connectors:
- Firewire) 6-pin.
- Audio
Read the motherboard specifications to select the motherboard with the required features.
a motherboard having dual core 64 bit dual core processor with 8 GB RAM of dual channel memory support with 16x PCI Express slot for video card and firewire support.