From 1909-11, touchdowns were worth five points and field goals just three points. In 1912, rule changes finally made the touchdown worth the modern six points; field goals three points; conversions after touchdown one point, and safeties two points. These were the rules from 1912-57.
To maintain everyone's rights. Even to fight for the state, company, or person's case.
To make sure that the amendments were stable and correct. To make sure everyone have the right to these amendments.
The answer is D, the Nueces River.
Conflict with Mexico began when the United States annexed Texas as a state in 1845. Mexico claimed that the new border between Texas and Mexico was the Nueces River, while the United States contested the border was the Rio Grande.
The stock market crash caused the economy to fall into a depression. During this depression many people were unemployed and even homeless.
What one says can make an enemy sympathizer happy to hear. A mother could talk about the socks she's knitting for you grandson, a father could talk about the truck's engine being hard to start (with no other details), but it was forbidden to talk about things that give away troop movements or anything that might be useful to the enemy. They would love to know that there were ships leaving the Baltimore harbor. The submarines would be there waiting for them.
In some cases it would be considered to be treason to divulge certain information, so your freedom of speech is severely limited.