The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature
I'm going to say the answer is B ! I could be wrong but this is what i think :)
Answer:furniture manufacturer: wood→sanding→chair---C
Operations management is the part of a production system that administers best business practices to create the highest net operating profit within an organization. It involves the management of converting raw materials and labor into finished goods and services by passing through efficient processes so as to maximize profit of an organization.
In Operations management, efficient productivity , coordination and formulation of new improved process is important because to maximize profit requires constant innovation to reevaluate current practices. An operations management is involved in inputs, process and outputs as can be seen illustrated below.
furniture manufacturer: wood→sanding→chair
The answer is stockholders' equity is overstated
When inventories are overstated it reduces the cost of sales because the excess inventory in accounting records means the ending inventory will be higher and cost of sales will be lower.
When ending inventory is overstated, total assets and retained earnings will be overstated. And when retained earnings is overstated, stockholders' equity is also overstated because retained earnings is a line item under stockholders' equity.
Answer is true.
Managers who are classified in terms of their level in the organization are known by titles such as store manager, assistant manager or co-manager.
Managers who are classified by their area of specialization have titles such as the marketing manager, the accounting manager or the sales manager.