What is the best way to appreciate the beauty of nature?
How do I overcome challenges while working remotely?
You can start by using all of your senses, not only sight.
Find a nice quiet spot in the woods or the beach or the desert and sit down.
What can you touch, see, hear, taste? Be patient, be quiet, be still. Don’t force yourself. Let nature speak.
Then close your eyes and use your spirit to connect. What can you sense of your surroundings?
Try it at different times and different locations.
Then try it in a busy and crowded place. Try it on people in the same manner, first with your senses, then with your spirit.
Try it at home. Close you eyes, become aware of your room, your house, and then expand your awareness to your neighborhood, the city, the whole planet, the rest of the solar system, the galaxy, the Universe.
1) Sorry I don't really know
3) Ramses II
4) It's because like moses she helped people escape from slavery
Answer: The kingdom of Aksum lasted for around 905 years.
The first Europeans to arrive in North America -- at least the first for whom there is solid evidence -- were Norse, traveling west from Greenland, where Erik the Red had founded a settlement around the year 985.