By encouraging democratic revolutions, I believe.
The United States came to the aid of South Korea at the head of a United Nations force composed of more than a dozen countries. Communist China joined North Korea in the war in November 1950, unleashing a massive Chinese ground attack against American forces. The Soviet Union also covertly supported North Korea.
During his trip to the United States, Alexis Dd Tocqueville observed that Americans were dangerously close to having a class war, since many people did not have equal rights.
The global military, political, and psychological struggle against terrorists and regimes that support them. Citizens viewed terrorism as national emergency, and united together.
They've been confused of Ethnic backgrounds, race, and religion. Since, Global military have had the objective of trying to eliminate international terrorism.
Terrorism has led to the sharing of information between federal law enforcement agencies and intelligence devices. They've since been investigating suspected terrorists of fear of violation of the 4th Amendment of search and seizure.
As politically, the U.S tended to promote isolationism through the 19th century.
The Bizantine Empire is the "new" Roman Empire.
The Bizantine Empire was the eastern continuation of the Roman Empire after the Western Roman Empire's collapse in the fifth century CE.