Circulatory -
Brings oxygen and nutrients where it is needed, removes toxic chemicals, maintains a stable body temperature
Digestive -
Food and nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine. These nutrients are necessary for other body systems to maintain homeostasis.
Excretory -
Removes all waste from the body, kidneys filter chemicals, liver filters toxins
planets can be different from angiosperm it can be one of the many things it has.
Maybe 2,3 points
1. receive stimuli messages from inside and outside the body..
2. responding to stimuli by sending messages throughout the body.
The megasporangium in a pine cone is surrounded by an integument with a small opening called the micropyle.
Integuments in flowers are the maternal tissues or having a maternal beginning, as they originate from the ovular tissue or chalazal tissue (part of the lady reproductive gadget of a flower). A time period integument merely refers to the protecting layer. In terms of botany, an integument is a layer encircling the ovule.
A mature ovule consists of a meal tissue included by means of one or destiny seed coats, called integuments. A small establishing (the micropyle) within the integuments permits the pollen tube to enter and discharge its sperm nuclei into the embryo sac, a large oval cellular in which fertilization and improvement arise.
Learn more about integument here: