First add the whole numbers.
Then find the LCM (least common multiple) of 3 and 2, which are the denominators of both fractions. In this case, the LCM of 3 and 2 are 6.
As you can see in the photo, I multiplied a number than can result in 6 in both denominators. Then multiply that same number to the numerators.
Finally, add 21+2, but keep the denominator as 6.
This is how I learned it, hope it helps.
There are many themes in romanticism but in my personal opinion the prominent theme would be that of emotion in its naturalist state. I can not guarantee you that each and every scholar agrees on this but inspiration and connecting emotionally with nature is what Romanticism heavily relied on.
Hope this helps! If you have any other questions or would like further explanation just let me know! :)
the setting is the place where the character and story is based
for example peterpan, peterpan is a story based in Neverland, so Neverland is the setting and peterpan is the main character
B. Importance
Without having the paragraph itself to read, I will make my best educated guess.
Since the definition of emphasis is "special importance, value, or prominence given to something," I would imagine the answer is importance since it is in the definition.
If this is incorrect please add the paragraph to the question so we can have some context.
Well, studying would be the rising action, being handed the test would be the climax, the conflict would be her not wanting to get a bad grade, and her getting a good grade would be the resolution. The answer is RESOLUTION. That is a really boring plot to a story though. XD