A 28-year-old welshman is experiencing insomnia, continually writhes his hands, and begins to exhibit irrational behavior. he se
ems to be losing his muscle control. it has become progressively worse over the past year. what is the most likely diagnosis? a 28-year-old welshman is experiencing insomnia, continually writhes his hands, and begins to exhibit irrational behavior. he seems to be losing his muscle control. it has become progressively worse over the past year. what is the most likely diagnosis? variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease (vcjd) botulism african sleeping sickness poliomyelitis
The diagnosis will be variant creutzfeldt jakob disease or as called as vCJD. The variant creutzfeldt jakob disease is an intermittent and fatal human neurodegenerative illness. The ingestion of food of bovine origin contaminated with the agent of bovine spongiform encephalopathy which is a disease of cattle and has been strongly connected to the existence of vCJD in humans.