The communist victory in China marks a significant chapter in the modern history of the country.
The communists were lead by Mao while the nationalists were led by Chiang Kai-shek.
The 4 reasons due to which the communists won are:
1. Chiang's policies of oppression and violence did not help him get widespread support
2. Chiang was supported by the Americans, but the support eventually weakened
3. The message of the communists resonated with the poor farmers and the peasant class, which Chiang failed to engaged.
4. Mao was able to get some form of support, albeit limited, from the Soviet Union
In the gubernatorial election of 1920, he have campaigned prominently for John M. Parker, and today Long is often credited with helping Parker to win in the northern Louisiana parishes. However, after Parker was elected to the gubernatorial office, the two became bitter rivals. This break was largely the result of Long having demanded that Parker declare the state's oil pipelines to be public utilities and Parker having refused to do so. In particular, Long was horrified and became furious when Parker allowed the oil companies led by the legal team of Standard Oil to assist in the writing of the state's severance tax laws-laws that decreed how much money corporations such as Standard Oil had to pay the state for the extraction of natural resources. Because the governor was willing to go along with companies like Standard Oil, Huey began calling Parker the chattel of the corporations. After butting heads, Parker eventually tried to have Huey ousted from his position on the Louisiana Railroad Commission in 1921, although he was unable to do so.
Question : What serious problem did the pilgrims face when they landed on November 11 and how did they solve this problem ?
My Answer :
What was the problem ?
They had drifted off course and had landed north of the original place where they were suppose to settle with also winter fast approaching; by staying where they were.
They also faced : 1. Disease
2. Indian attack
3. Malnutrition
4. Starvation
5. Unfamilliar weather
Most of these problems they couldn't solve, like disease, attack, starvation, and weather. The early colonists weren't very willing to work. They thought America was a continuous land of bounty from which they could reap the harvest. wasn't. A lot of people starved to death. On top of that, they were constantly worried about Indian attack...and they had the right to be. None of the Indians wanted to give up their land and share their resources with a strange invader
abor organizer and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez begins hunger strike. ... The strike, which he undertook in opposition to an Arizona law severely restricting farm workers' ability to organize, lasted 24 days and drew national attention to the suffering of itinerant farm workers in the Southwest.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no anexaste alguna referencia o contexto en específico. podemos comentar lo siguiente,
Los supuestos de carácter moral aplicables al campo laboral de los trabajadores es que estos trabajadores deben de mostrar una conducta ética intachable, un comportamiento ejemplar bajo los más altos valores morales como el respeto, la disciplina, la discreción, entre otros tantos.
Los trabajadores deben ser personas dignas de confianza y mostrar su agradecimiento por tener una fuente de empleo estable.
La mejor manera de hacerlo es a través de su comportamiento en el trabajo, las instalaciones de la empresa, y su comportamiento fuera del mismo ya que ellos son unos representantes de la imagen pública de la empresa donde laboran.
Los trabajadores deben ser discretos con lo que escuchan en el lugar de trabajo y no andarlo contando por afuera. Deben ser leales, no robar, no mentir, y guardar confidencialidad de los documentos, herramientas, software, e información que pertenece a la compañía.