Colonel Nikolai Skuridin has just back to service after vacation. On the morning of 4th July, he already had a flight at training aircraft, the next step was to make a flight in fully armed MiG-23M jet fighter. Skuridin was not rookie pilot - he had 1700 flight hours and he was 1st class pilot according to the Soviet Air Force class system.
He took off. As soon as he did, he noticed afterburner had spontaneously turned off, as well as that throttles catastrophically dropped. He told the dispatcher he is about to eject, dispatch confirmed, so colonel left the jet.
Both jet pilot and spectators expected jet to crash near the airfield, but it never did. Instead, engine went back to normal, so did the jet itself due to autopilot system. Jet started to climb, flying westward. As MiG-23’s IFF kept tone back, jet passed both Poland and Eastern Germany unnoticed.
Diffrent places they had to go or diffrent pubs
The famous Richard Kipling´s phrase is usually interpreted as a statement of the alleged mission of Europeans to bring civilization and progress to backward peoples. It is seen as a racist justification of colonization of other peoples by many critics, as a statement of white man´s superiority. The other phrase refers to the exploitation and injustice suffered by colonized people in Africa and Asia in the hands of their white colonial masters.
The copper statue, a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States, was designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and built by Gustave Eiffel. The statue was dedicated on October 28, 1886.
They were first dug in 1914.