Who said I am waiting for you? Which human could have possibly said that, not sure why I am writing this but have a good day.
If I was in that nail salon and saw a person stealing someone else’s engagement ring, I will immediately stop the pickpocket. After making sure that the thief has not possess any dangerous weapon, I will slowly approach and ask him the reason for doing it. Meanwhile, I will signal the bystanders to seek help from police. I then give him advice and tell him the consequences of stealing. It is because everyone has no right to go shortcut in life. We need to pay our effort for the result. Next, I will ask him to apologize to the owner and motivate him to be an honest man.
Self-questionnaire or checklist.
Writing sample.
Tests and quizzes made by the teacher.
Grading assignments.
Student created quizzes.
A fallacy can best be defined as a false or a mistaken idea, or the use of faulty reasoning. "Thank you for smoking" movie, has some fallacies in it i will be discussing below.
The first fallacy i noticed in "Thank you for smoking" is when Nick Naylor's son's mother's boyfriend tells Nick "I hope you are providing Joey with a smoke-free environment." and Nick replies "I'm his father, you're just the guy_his mother." This is a negative statement as Nick attacked Polly's boyfriend personally because He is not the real parent of Joey, which is a good example of Ad Hominem.
This film is a dark comedy. Nick Naylor who is a successful lobbyist, has sense of logos in his arguments and this logos is centered primarily on logical fallacies