The color reflected from the light is the color that we see, if something is green, green is reflecting off of that objects and every other color is going through it
It would feel like you could eat every candybar in the world and get a very high sugar rush
Its true that we don't owe them nothing however if we want to make this world a better place where people live in peace and alongside each other then giving a few pounds to charity or volunteering and helping out the needy can really make a change.
I used speculation to determine weather or not to restrict the man from eating pizza this late at night.
First poetry is a way for the writer to express themselves. In poetry is rhythmic, The marked rhythm of poetry, superimposed upon the “natural” rhythm of any language So for example in stereo hearts the songwriter express his ideas in an ideal song for example in the lyrics "Because good music can be so hard to find" it is said that all the songs now these days are full of sex and drugs but he wishes things were different and the rhythmic is like a poem to the listener