The rising protests of different labour unions across many states at the United States was considered to be one of the consequences of the industrialisation. In addition, the reforms that these labour unions want to ask are retirement benefits, decent working hours, and sufficient wages.
The melting point (in which ice will become water, and where water can become ice, is 0°C). On the other hand, the boiling point is 100°C.
Both scenario A and D.
The study examining infants' ability to do simple arithmetic that showed infants one or two dolls and then either added or subtracted a doll from behind a screen demonstrated that infants were surprised in which of A: A doll is placed behind a screen where another doll was initially present, and lowering of the screen reveals a single doll and D: A doll is removed from behind a screen where two dolls were initially present, and lowering of the screen reveals two dolls.
Social needs and the need to belong to a group.
Both set policy related to the economy