Jonas' Father takes Lily to school. Mom asks Jonas to stay behind. She tells him that he is having feelings called stirrings and that he must report them. She has a pill that can make them all go away.
The dream he has is a very detailed one that involves Fiona, her clothes, and a bath.
False. Lack of experience does generally increase a speaker's public speaking anxiety.
It says in your reading, so for someone to answer that we need to know the reading material.
Cherry and Marcia are two popular girls who become friends with The Outsiders narrator, Ponyboy, his brothers, and his Greaser friends. When Cherry first meets Ponyboy, they bond over their unusual first names. She tells him, ''My name's Sherri, but I'm called Cherry because of my hair. Cherry Valance.'' Marcia is ''a little smaller than Cherry. She was cute, but that Cherry Valance was a real looker.'' The girls are dating Soc boys, but they're the first Socs that Ponyboy and his friends get to know, and it gives them a different perspective on their rivals. Cherry and Marcia are pretty, friendly, and fun.