Each country is required to have a set of institutions which are present there in order to make some decision while they are chasing some military, political, or economical related objective or goal. As there are different factors inside any civilization or we can say nation that makes a great impact while the countries or nations are passing through any situation.
- As,there were a number of institutions and state departments inside the US who were supposed or intended to protect each citizen of the US. As the military was not supposed to fight against its own people in the southern states but happened, and very unfortunately the United State's military took greater part in fighting against the tribes and other opposition forces who had the conservative mindset.
- So, some times the institutions which are meant to protect and develop a nation as whole turns out to be fighting against there own inside the region. As they are assembled by a few number of individuals who are then termed as war hero's fighting against there own.
Drake entered the port of Cadiz and destroyed 30 of the ships the Spanish were assembling against the British.
ancient Rome achievements: roman aqueduct, Colosseum, architecture, aqueduct, technology
Perspective is a linear system of spatial alignment which creates an illusion of depth on a two-dimensional flat surface (or on a shallow three-dimensional surface such as a relief carving). Often called Linear Perspective (geometric, mathematical or optical perspective), this system is based on how the human eye sees the world: that is, (1) objects which are closer appear larger, while more distant objects appear smaller;
Korea main role was setting conflict between the communists and the west. hope that helps