Your are right. It's D. Classic Jazz.
Don't mind that guy's answer.
Have a Nice Day!
I would believe it. If this is true, they should trace the original artist by style, flaws, fingerprints, initials, etc.
google and im a theater kid
larger difference threshold
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that this would indicate that Maria apparently has a larger difference threshold than does Jennifer. This term also known as the just noticeable difference (JND) refers to the minimum level of stimulation that an individual can detect 50% of the time. Which in this scenario would be the tone of the guitar strings.
Un meme1 es, en las teorías sobre la difusión cultural, la unidad teórica de información cultural2transmisible de un individuo a otro, o de una mente a otra, o de una generación a la siguiente. Es un neologismo acuñado por Richard Dawkins en El gen egoísta (The Selfish Gene), por la semejanza fonética con «gene» —gen en idioma inglés— y para señalar la similitud con «memoria» y «mimesis».