vavsgxhhdhdhdhddhdghhhh happy with the best inference you send it to me and my sister and I will be fail compilation video normal to me as I am sending like it be ok for the best way is fine but my husband has started to you and your family and your team to help with that why do we need the sallbus of social work and your team and your family and your copy ko lekar ek kavita hai to me and I am watching the playlist to help with that said I am sending my CV for your copy ko
Answer: hi! I'll help the best I can
Good ways
Life would be boring
We couldn't cure diseases
It would make it harder to transport
People could pass away more often
We wouldn't be able to communicate in long distances
Good ways
less car accidents would happen
less self murders would happen because of cyber bullying
we could all spend more time together
anxiety would go down from less use of social media
our eyes would improve.
The earth wouldn't be poluted
So in conclusion there is a huge controversy about this and it would be very hard actually pinpoint if technology would be good.
I believe it is a compound sentence
The patient did not grasp the severity of his condition.
Society tends to mistreat someone or something that does not follow its ordinary norm, whether it's ethnicity , cultural , ideology, or even merely physical difference. The excerpt address the exact issue