With the ever improving technology medicine has been revolutionized to help in so many ways. There are now improvements to many things medicine can do like look for new pharmaceuticals, correct mistakes in surgeries, prolong life, and help provide in depth research into diseases and their anecdotes or cures.
When it comes to blood circulation, a good and effective blood circulation is one that provides the body with a lot of nutrients - so what we want is for example an increased blood circulation to the body, but we don't want for example a decreased blood flow to some organs - those organs would then not receive the necessary nutrition. Healthy lifestyle provides good things to the body - so the answer is D, since it's the only good thing. Decreased area in blood vessels would again diminish the nutrition to some organs and a high blood pressure is also not good - it carries a risk of some diseases.
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im dead just sheval u wanna zo om
Habilidades técnicas es donde una persona mueve su cuerpo para realizar una tarea ..... Habilidades tácticas es cuando una persona toma decisiones y acciones en el juego para obtener una ventaja ... como estrategia. Es la capacidad de tomar una decisión táctica dentro de un juego. espero que esto ayude
"Specificity and progression" are two principles related to maintaining physical health. Therefore we can say that the word "principles" is the most suitable to replace the word "thing".
Also, "Specificity and progression" are neither exercises nor muscles. Nor are they acronyms, since an acronym is the word formed by joining letters or initial syllables of a group of words, pronounced as one word.