The analogy in the title “The Many Faces of Nigerian Food" alludes to the ethnic diversity of Nigeria and its diversity in terms of culture.
Nigeria is a diverse nation. It has many ethnicity that have overlapping and different cultural practices of their own.
These ethnicity all interact with each other in the modern world and are able to create modern cuisines along with their own traditional ones.
It is also to be seen that the nation was colonized by the British who had brought their own ideas of Cuisine that persist to this day.
The tea, the coffee and the dishes around toast have persisted.
The homegrown dishes made around Yam and meat of cattle have also persisted to this day and modernized.
Answer: an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture, typically bounded by hedges or fences.
One way that effectively helps is to recreate some conditions. For example, use the same pen, or chew the same flavor of gum. This will help you recall more information because it brings you back to the memory when you were studying the answers.
You could have had trouble answering these questions because of an encoding or retreival failure (failure to remember because there weren't enough cues to trigger your memory). You may have had an encoding failure because while you were distracted while you were studying. (Dividing your attention and trying to multi-task is the most common cause of encoding failure).
Uh oh! That probably means it wasn't packaged properly or it was shipped to a distant place.