The boy is stirring the pot slowly.
Before he turned into an insect, Gregor's biggest priority in life was to work hard and pay off his family's debt.
rook sounds likea spelling mistake as it is synonomous with rock
The trials described by Franklin took place in New Jersey, they took place at the same time and were not fair.
Benjamin Franklin wrote "A Witch Trial at Mount Holly," a short text that satirized the witch trials taking place in the country.
By reading this text, we can see that:
- Franklin describes the trial of a man and a woman who were accused of witchcraft.
- The accusers said they saw them making the pigs sing and the sheep dance.
- The trials put the accused through absurd tests, which caused the death of the accused, or forced them to admit the practice of witchcraft.
Franklin's intention in addressing this topic was to show how the witch trials were not coherent, but rather a crazy illusion. Franklin had this thought because he was so influenced by the stimulation of reason shown in the Enlightenment, which made him critically observe everything.
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