what I'm confused ???????
Answer: An attack where the attackers will interrupt a data transfer happening between parties and in which they will pretend to be the legitimate parties.
Explanation: For example think about two people writing letters to each other back and forth. However you, the attacker can intercept the letters and effectively change the message/contents of the letter going to the other person. This is probably not the best explanation, but simply put a man-in-the-middle attack is when an attacker interupts a transfer and pretends to be the legitimate source.
application form and any fees
- The subnet mask would be a 32-bit integer which is formed by assigning the host bits to all 0's and the networking bits to so many 1's.
- In this method, the subnetting separates the IP address between host and network addresses.
- The subnet mask covers an IP address with its 32-bit number, thus the term "mask".
Network IP address
Subnet numbers
Calculating the borrow bits:
Calculating the dotted decimal value for the subnet mask:
The additional bits which will be needed to mask the subnet mask that is = 4.
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