Although we are different genders we both need intelligence to build a better future for us and further generations
A feudal contract was an exchange of pledges established by custom and tradition that created the economic and political relationship between lords and vassals, or lesser lords. It was based on an exchange of land for loyalty and military service. ... A fief was an estate bestowed upon a vassal by a greater lord.
Serfs who occupied a plot of land were required to work for the lord of the manor who owned that land. ... Serfs were often required not only to work on the lord's fields, but also in his mines and forests and to labor to maintain roads.
B, Cherokee, they're in the States
Thomas Paine (1737–1809) was a radical writer who emigrated from England to America in 1774. Just two years later, early in 1776, Paine published Common Sense, a hugely influential pamphlet that convinced many American colonists that the time had finally come to break away from British rule. In Common Sense, Paine made a persuasive and passionate argument to the colonists that the cause of independence was just and urgent. The first prominent pamphleteer to advocate a complete break with England, Paine successfully convinced a great many Americans who'd previously thought of themselves as loyal, if disgruntled, subjects of the king.
The Petition Itself
The Petition of Right of 1628 is one of England's most famous Constitutional documents. It was written by Parliament as an objection to an overreach of authority by King Charles I. During his reign, English citizens saw this overreach of authority as a major infringement on their civil rights.